
Marian Rivera Dark Underarm

I stumbled upon this picture of Marian Rivera in one of the blogs I read recently. She is so beautiful, there is no argument with that. But what caught my attention is the underarm of Marian Rivera. Look at the picture below (you can click it to enlarge):

Is Marian Rivera's underarm clean? I don't think so.

My Blogpost @ Blogspot

Just a note for my blogpost entry here. I am going to create this post to make a one way link for my entry in the evoire.com SEO contest with the keyword "my blogpost".

My entry is now in the 11th spot and it is not moving there for the 4 days now. Maybe I am lacking for links so this would help no matter how small the effect would be. I have already posted the link to the sidebar of this blog but it would still be better if I could make at least one article for it.

My blogpost is exciting and difficult to climb in the SERP. My entry is now nailed but I am confident that it will still move up the ranks as more links are recognized by google. By the way, I am going to try to optimize for the keyword "members" maybe it would help.


Residual Income Opportunities with Celebrities

Celebrities are making money out of you when you are going to enter the movie house and watch their movies. They also make money out of you when you are going to buy their DVD's. They are making money out of you. Can you make money out of them too?

Yes. You can make them as one of your residual income opportunities in the internet by making a blog or website about them and then monetize it with ads. In my case, I created a lot of fan sites of celebrities, mostly pinay celebrities, and published Adsense ads into them.

As of this writing, I am making $21 on a daily average for all the websites I created about celebrities. This can really be one of the many residual income opportunities that you can take advantage in the internet. So why not make your residual income online out of these celebrities?