
Financial Freedom and MLM

MLM, or Multi Level Marketing companies have sprouted all over our place and there are a lot who are tempted to join them. Their technique? Preach financial freedom. This phrase has enticed so many people to join these companies that many of them gave up their jobs just to join them.

They were so obsessed with financial freedom that they literally given up everything so that they can make huge money with those MLM companies. It was too late when they realized that they were in the wrong pond.

MLM is not for everybody, contrary to the one they are preaching. They preach easy money with MLM. Less work and big returns. But who are really those people who are making huge money? It's the owners or those who are in the upper echelons of the pyramid.

It is those people who attain financial freedom due to the large commissions they receive through the hard work of those people in the lower pyramid. So can you really achieve financial freedom through MLM? Yes they can, but I doubt you could.

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